Our professional floral designers at Ron & Alicia Robinson Florist are excited to celebrate Administrative Professionals’ Day this month by raising desktop awareness, showing professionals in offices everywhere how a well-appointed work environment will enhance their daily lives. Thanks to people’s innate biophilia, love of nature, plants in the workplace do more than increase the office’s visual appeal; introducing a little green (and we don’t mean money) also has the ability to reduce stress, accelerate creativity and productivity and even improve health.
With a diverse variety of plants and flowers available, there are several ways you can incorporate natural elements into your office decor. Living plants such as potted arrangements of orchids or desktop gardens will add tranquility and color to the atmosphere while also helping to clean the air. To add a bright splash of color and energize the environment, we recommend mixed bouquets of brightly colored blossoms.

We encourage you to recognize your employees this month by celebrating Administrative Professionals’ Day on April 25th with an improved office atmosphere. No matter your office’s existing decor, ability to care for plants or amount of natural sunlight, our expert florists at Ron & Alicia Robinson Florist will help you raise desktop awareness in your business by selecting potted plants and floral bouquets that will thrive in your unique workplace.